Overcoming Bad Choices In Love
Why can’t I find a good guy?
Are you struggling to find the “ONE”?
Let me guide you toward the love relationship you Deserve.
*Discover the red flags to look for when deciding whom you would consider as a prospective love connection. How many times have you asked yourself why your relationships tend to end with a broken heart?
*Understand the similarities in past relationships that tend to let you down. We all tend to gravitate toward certain types.
* Keys to self awareness and the ways they can guide you. How conscious are you when you fall in love?
*Learn the laws of attraction and your sense of inner wisdom. Deep in your heart you know you have all that it takes to create love.
It is my passion to guide you to love.
Call me at 248-752-1201 for an appointment.
LOVE we all want it how can it be so hard?
It is so easy to step out of sync
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